Hi there! Welcome.
I am Niels van der Velden and I love creating data analysis work flows, interactive data visualizations, web applications and tinkering with Machine Learning models using R and Python. This website highlights some of the projects I have been working on in my spare time.
I am a Data Scientist holding a PhD in Life Sciences and have worked on all stages of the data science pipeline ranging from extraction and tidying of highly complex data sets, to building web applications, automated reporting pipelines and machine learning models.
Before I started as an independent consultant, I worked at Molecular Partners for 5 years as an Expert Scientist. I was coordinating all projects that involved Mass Spectrometry and developed an automated data analysis platform for the measurements we performed.
I did my PhD at the ETH in the group of Prof. Dr. Markus Aebi under the supervision of Prof. Dr. Markus Kuenzler. I worked there on a novel class of Ribosomally synthesized and post-translationally modified peptides (RiPPs) from the beautiful fungus Omphalotus olearius which we named the borosins.

Protein encodings

In order to use protein sequences as inputs for deep learning models they need to be transformed into numerical descriptors. In this notebook I highlight four different ways to generate such numerical features from protein sequences.
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Geneviewer - Gene Cluster Visualizations in R

An R package that can be used to draw gene cluster arrow maps.
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R (11) Shiny (6) Machine Learning (4)